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As our Madrasa provides both Memorization of Quran as well as School Studies, a student completes his Hifz-e-Quran along with his 10th Standard in around 5 years.


Learning Medical Sciences, engineering will develop us and the world in modern ways to simplify way of living. This will benefit not only one but the whole society.

Madrasa-tus-Suffa-logo suffa-logo

To Emulate One Education System in order to make our students walk on the road of Deen as well as Duniya and make them capable of developing our society and spread the “word of Allah to the world”.


The Institute aims to regenerate the education system of the early Islamic era.



Madrasa-tus-Suffa is a prestigious institution where students possess a deep commitment to memorizing the Holy Quran alongside their academic studies.

Our objective is to equip our students with the necessary skills and preparedness to face the challenges of both the present world and the hereafter. We strive to instill within them a profound understanding and embodiment of Deen (faith), empowering them to embrace every stage of life with a heart devoted to Islamic principles and confidently engage with the world while upholding the identity and customs of Deen, Islam. Our vision is for our students to emerge as global leaders, serving both the religion and the nation, attaining a distinguished status in Islamic and academic studies, hand in hand. We aspire for our students to embrace the cultural values and embrace both the temporal world (Duniya) and the eternal hereafter (Akhirah).

What is Suffa?

During the Medina period of early Islam (622-632), Al-Ṣuffa (Arabic: الصُّفّة‎) served as a refuge located at the rear side of Al-Masjid an-Nabawi. Originally positioned at the northeastern corner of the mosque, Prophet Muhammadﷺ instructed it to be covered with palm leaves to provide shade, earning it the name Al-Suffa. The homeless and unmarried Muhajirun (companions of Muhammadﷺ who migrated from Mecca) who lacked relatives in Medina sought shelter in Al-Suffa, where their primary focus was on learning the Quran and the Sunnah. This group came to be known as the “Ashab al-Suffah” or the “Suffa Fraternity”.

What is a Madrasa?

Madrasa serves as a transformative institution that strives to shape individuals into morally upright and virtuous Muslims, thereby contributing to the creation of a better society. It acts as a beacon of Islamic teachings, disseminating and spreading these principles throughout the world.

Madrasa operates as a powerhouse, endowing individuals with spiritual and religious strength. It is a space where hearts, minds, and visions are nurtured to confront the challenges of the world. The concepts of distinguishing right from wrong and being accountable for one’s actions in the world are instilled. Madrasa assumes the responsibility of guiding individuals throughout their lives. Its principles are widely embraced globally, while external influences do not dictate its values. The madrasa system has been in existence since ancient times and will endure indefinitely.

Madrasa is deeply rooted in prophetic teachings, which transcend specific cultures or regions. Its teachings are universal and pertain to humanity as a whole, remaining evergreen and timeless. It remains steadfast in its adherence to the Quran and the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, undeterred by cultural shifts or the adoption of new norms by the world.