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Memorizing Quran

Memorizing the Holy Quran at Madrasa-tus-Suffa (MTS)

The preservation of the Holy Quran is an exceptional promise from Allah Himself, as mentioned in Surah Al-Hijr 15:9: “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran and indeed, We will be its guardian.” This divine assurance signifies the significance of safeguarding the Quran in its pristine form throughout history. One of the remarkable ways in which the Quran has been protected is through its memorization in the hearts of individuals.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), being the chosen recipient of Allah’s reminders (Surah Al-Qiyamah 75:17), was the first to memorize the Quran. His dedication to preserving the Quran through memorization set a powerful example for the Muslim Ummah. Additionally, during the month of Ramadan, the Prophet would recite the entire Quran to the angel Gabriel, as documented in Sahih Al-Bukhari.

From the time of the Prophet until today, both male and female Sahaba (companions) have committed themselves to memorizing the Quran. This noble tradition has been upheld within the Muslim community, ensuring the preservation of the Quran through the unwavering efforts of these dedicated individuals. Despite attempts by those who sought to eradicate the Quran, the commitment of the memorizers, whose hearts are adorned with the verses of the Quran, has foiled their malicious plans.

In Madrasa-tus-Suffa, students are encouraged to set daily goals for memorization, allowing for efficient progress in memorizing the Quran. Moreover, efforts are made to equip students with the ability to recite the entire Quran in one sitting after memorization. This ensures that the sacred book remains firmly embedded in their hearts for a lifetime.

Memorizing the Quran is not only a means of preserving its divine message but also a personal journey of virtue and spiritual connection. By committing the Quran to memory, individuals become carriers of its profound wisdom and guidance, striving to embody its teachings in their daily lives. Memorization of the Quran is an act of utmost devotion and obedience, leading to immense blessings.

The Quran itself highlights the virtues of memorization. It is mentioned in Surah Al-Qamar 54:17 that “We have made the Quran easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?” This verse emphasizes the facilitation of the memorization process, indicating that the Quran is designed to be accessible and retainable in the hearts of believers.

The rewards for memorizing the Quran are abundant. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, as narrated in Sahih Muslim (Hadeeth no. 798): “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” This statement underscores the immense honor and virtue associated with memorizing the Quran. By committing its verses to memory, individuals attain a special rank in the sight of Allah.

Furthermore, the Quran itself promises numerous rewards for those who memorize its verses. It is mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah 2:284: “To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Whether you reveal what is within yourselves or conceal it, Allah will bring you to account for it. Then He will forgive whom He wills and punish whom He wills, and Allah is over all things competent.” This verse highlights the importance of accountability and the weight of responsibility concerning the Quran’s teachings. Memorizing the Quran instills a sense of consciousness and a desire to uphold its principles in all aspects of life.

In conclusion, the virtues of memorizing the Holy Quran are profound and multifaceted. Memorization serves as a means to preserve its divine message and protect it from distortion. It is a personal journey of devotion, obedience, and spiritual connection. By committing the Quran to memory, individuals become carriers of its wisdom and embody its teachings. The rewards and blessings associated with this noble endeavor are plentiful.

May Allah bless those who undertake the honorable task of memorizing the Quran and may it remain alive in their hearts forever.


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